Among the petroleum products traded by our company, in addition to petcoke, we also offer Base Oils, Bitumen and Paraffin/Wax.

Bitumen with penetration values of 60/70 and 70/100, is primarily used in road construction, waterproofing, and the construction sector. We supply industrial oil, motor oil, and base oil used in oil-based products. We supply hydrocarbon-based paraffin wax used in candle making, cosmetics, food packaging, and industrial applications.

Additionally, our product range includes fuel oil, clarified oil, and bright stock oil.

For Technical Data Sheets (TDS) and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), please don't hesitate to contact us.

Among the petroleum products traded by our company, in addition to petcoke, we also offer Base Oils, Bitumen and Paraffin/Wax.


Base Oils

Base Oils





Petroleum Products
Özersoylar Logo

Enviromental Policy

Özersoylar adheres to an environmental policy that contributes to environmental preservation and the sustainable development of agriculture, as the environment is among our company's priorities. Therefore, we conduct all our industrial activities and network sales transactions through the Ecological Management System (SGE).

This integrated management system, compliant with ISO 14001 regulations, not only identifies problems but also helps mitigate risks and ensures continuous improvement of operations.

We take various measures to prevent any adverse impact on environmental health from our factory operations.

Contact us for smooth operations.