Sulphur is not only an essential nutrient for plant growth but also considered a critical chemical in many industries. As one of the leading components in the chemical industry, sulphur is commonly used in the production of sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid, in turn, serves as a vital intermediate in various sectors such as fertilizer, detergent, paint, and pharmaceutical industries.

Sulphur compounds also play a vital role in the cellulose and paper industry. Used as a bleaching agent in the separation of cellulose from lignin, sulphur ensures that paper appears whiter and brighter.

Another area of ​​use for sulphur is in improving the properties of rubber products. Enhancing the flexibility, durability, and resistance of rubber, sulphur plays a significant role in various fields including tire manufacturing, automotive parts, and industrial seals.

Sulphur, which is also vital for plant growth, is among essential plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Playing a critical role in processes such as protein synthesis, enzyme function, and chlorophyll production, sulphur is used to enhance soil quality through agricultural sulphur products and to control various pests and diseases.

Another benefit of sulphur is its role in soil improvement. By aiding in the fixation of nitrogen in the soil and facilitating access to nutrients for plants, sulphur supports the formation of organic matter and improves soil properties such as water retention capacity and nutrient sources.

The above highlights only a fraction of sulphur's various applications and benefits. In summary, sulphur is a versatile chemical substance used in many sectors.

For detailed information, please feel free to contact us.

Sulphur is not only an essential nutrient for plant growth but also considered a critical chemical in many industries. As one of the leading components in the chemical industry, sulphur is commonly used in the production of sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid, in turn, serves as a vital intermediate in various sectors such as fertilizer, detergent, paint, and pharmaceutical industries.




Pastille / Prill

Pastille / Prill







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Enviromental Policy

Özersoylar adheres to an environmental policy that contributes to environmental preservation and the sustainable development of agriculture, as the environment is among our company's priorities. Therefore, we conduct all our industrial activities and network sales transactions through the Ecological Management System (SGE).

This integrated management system, compliant with ISO 14001 regulations, not only identifies problems but also helps mitigate risks and ensures continuous improvement of operations.

We take various measures to prevent any adverse impact on environmental health from our factory operations.

Contact us for smooth operations.